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To ensure easy access to CoreTigo’s IO-Link Wireless products & solutions, we have compiled a comprehensive list of our Authorized Distributors. Whether you are seeking increased flexibility, simplified installation, cost reduction, or enhanced scalability, our distributors are equipped to assist you in finding the right solution for your unique needs.
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CoreTigo's Products

IO-Link Wireless/Software zur Maschinenoptimirung

Mit TigoEngine und TigoLeap können Sie den Betrieb Ihrer Maschinen optimieren, ausbauen und verbessern und so deren volles Potenzial ausschöpfen.
TigoLeap preview image


Machine Optimization & Data Collection
TigoEngine on laptop screen, configuring TigoHub


IO-Link Wireless Engineering Tool

IO-Link Wireless Master und Schnittstellen

TigoMaster and TigoGateway are industrial-grade Wireless Master platforms. Each Master has one or two IO-Link Wireless tracks, supporting up to 8/16 IO-Link Wireless devices simultaneously.
TigoGateway 2TC

TigoGateway 2TC

IO-Link Wireless 2 Track Master
TigoGateway 1TE

TigoGateway 1TE

IO-Link Wireless Master with Edge Computing
TigoMaster 2TH

TigoMaster 2TH

IO-Link Wireless 2 Track Master
TigoMaster 1T SOM/TigoAir LK1

TigoMaster 1T SOM

IO-Link Wireless Single-Track Master System-on-Module

TigoMaster 2T SOM

IO-Link Wireless 2 Track Master System-on-Module

Geräte für die drahtlose Industriekommunikation

IO-Link-Geräte für den industriellen Einsatz
IO-Link Wireless Near Field Communication System

Near Field Communication System

IO-Link Wireless Near Field Communication Solution


Near Field Antenna

TigoBridge A2/B2

IO-Link Wireless Bridge

TigoBridge A1/B1

IO-Link Wireless Bridge
TigoMaster 1T SOM/TigoAir LK1

TigoAir LK1 SOM

IO-Link Wireless Device System-on-Module

TigoAir 2 SOM

IO-Link Wireless Device System-on-Module
TigoBridge SOM

TigoBridge SOM

IO-Link Wireless Bridge System-on-Module

TigoHub i4

IO-Link Wireless Multiport Hub
Analog to IO-Link Convertor - TigoConvertor

Analog to IO-Link Converter

Analog to IO-Link Converter


IO-Link Wireless Counter Device

IO-Link Wireless Starter Kits

TigoStarter Kits enthalten alle Komponenten zum Aufbau einer schnellen IO-Link Wireless-Umgebung für Evaluierungs- und Entwicklungszwecke.
TigoStarter Starter Kit

TigoStarter Evaluation Kits

TigoStarter IO-Link Wireless Evaluation Kits
TigoStarter Starter Kit

TigoStarter Development Kits

IO-Link Wireless Device Development Kits
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