Gateway (Industrial)

Gateway (Industrial)

A “Gateway” is a fundamental network node in telecommunications that facilitates the connection between two networks with different transmission protocols. Serving as an entry and exit point for a network, gateways ensure that all data passing through or communicating with the network must traverse the gateway. In essence, a gateway acts as a protocol converter, facilitating compatibility between two distinct protocols and operating at various layers of the open systems interconnection (OSI) model.

CoreTigo’s TigoGateway 1TE and TigoGateway 2TC exemplify industrial-grade IP20 IO-Link Wireless Masters with Edge Computing functionality. The TigoGateway 1TE offers Edge computing abilities and supports up to 8 IO-Link Wireless Devices simultaneously, while the TigoGateway 2TC supports up to 16 IO-Link Wireless Devices. Both gateways include interfaces to a variety of Industrial Ethernet protocols, enabling wireless control of sensors and actuators with low latency, high reliability, deterministic, and scalable performance. These gateways find applications in various industrial scenarios, such as machine retrofitting for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance, communication with end-of-arm tools on robots/cobots, and interaction with intelligent machine tools during high-speed rotations in processes like CNC, grinding, and milling. The gateways play a pivotal role in seamlessly connecting IO-Link Wireless Devices to other protocols in industrial environments.

TigoGateway 2TC Gateway CoreTigo

TigoGateway 2TC is an industrial-grade IP20 IO-Link Wireless Master. It supports up to 16 IO-Link Wireless Devices simultaneously and includes interfaces to a variety of Industrial Ethernet protocols.

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Gateway (Industrial)
