IO-Link Wireless
IO-Link Wireless
IO-Link Wireless is a global wireless communication standard built upon the IO-Link IEC 61131-9 standard, with the primary aim of replacing cables in remote sensor and actuator control and monitoring for factory automation. This innovative technology offers high reliability, low latency, scalability, deterministic communication, and robustness, all while retaining the advantages of standard IO-Link, such as real-time data transmission and device parameterization. IO-Link Wireless is designed to operate in the industrial 2.4 GHz RF frequency band, and it allows machines and production lines to work wirelessly, enhancing flexibility, scalability, and agility in industrial environments while reducing installation complexity and unexpected downtime. It coexists with other wireless networks, ensuring uninterrupted communication in challenging industrial settings, and can support a significant number of devices with low latency and high reliability, making it a key enabler for Industry 4.0 advancements in various industries, including automotive, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, and metalworks, as implemented by CoreTigo.

Coretigo's IO-Link Wireless products