In industrial automation, a Master device, particularly in the context of IO-Link technology, serves as the central hub for communication and control within an IO-Link system. The IO-Link Master connects to a higher-level controller, often a PLC, and manages the communication with various IO-Link devices such as sensors, actuators, or hubs. It typically features one or more IO-Link ports, allowing for the connection of individual devices. These Master devices are responsible for bidirectional communication, enabling data exchange, parameter configuration, and diagnostic reporting between the connected devices and the higher-level control system. Additionally, IO-Link Masters can support IO-Link Wireless technology, which extends the capabilities to wireless communication, eliminating the need for physical cables and offering greater flexibility and mobility in industrial applications. These Masters are instrumental in optimizing manufacturing processes, reducing downtime, and enabling the transition to Industry 4.0 by transforming traditional sensors into smart, self-commissioning devices.

Coretigo Industrial Wireless Masters & Gateways